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Diabetes Care – Diabetics and Alcohol
Diabetic Diet Guidelines

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Diabetes Care – Diabetics and Alcohol - 20/04/2012 12:30

Diabetes Care – Diabetics and Alcohol

If you have diabetes and love your drink, diabetes care can be a real pain. But if you are unfortunate to have diabetes but fortunate to have diabetes type II instead of diabetes type I, then diabetes care can be a bit easier and you will have had a lucky escape because in most cases, people suffering from diabetes type II can still consume minor amounts of alcohol. The emphasis of course, is on the word; “in most cases”. There are instances when diabetes care for type II may not permit any alcohol consumption. Some of these instances are:

* Diabetes with instances of high blood pressure
* Diabetes induced eye problem
* Elevated levels of triglycerides
* Damaged nerves in the limbs

Alcohol, Diabetes and Nerve Damage

Diabetes care stipulates that if a diabetic person suffers from nerve damage, alcohol consumption will aggravate the problems caused by nerve damage. Alcohol will increase pain, heighten burning sensation caused due to nerve damage, induce numbness and increase tingling sensations. If you are to take diabetes care seriously, you need to avoid alcohol consumption at all costs.

Alcohol, Diabetes and Eye Damage

Alcohol is closely linked with glucose tolerance which in turn, is closely linked with blood pressure. Diabetics care will inform you that as the blood pressure goes up, the pressure within the eye ball increases to the extent that you run the risk of rupturing blood vessels in the eye ball. Should this happen, you will suffer permanent damage to the eyes.

Alcohol, Diabetes and Triglycerides

Alcohol is high on calories but low on nutrients. Alcohol confuses the liver and it produces more triglycerides. In a normal healthy adult this would not be such a big problem but in diabetics it is a big problem due the weak internal organs. For this reason, diabetics care recommends you do not consume alcohol because alcohol interferes with the liver’s ability to metabolize fat. Even moderate consumption of alcohol will cause the liver to produce more triglycerides which can be very toxic to most diabetics.

Alcohol, Diabetes and Hypoglycemia

When a person with diabetes drinks alcohol, the liver instead of doing its usual duty of producing glucose, works overtime to rid the body of the alcohol which it considers as a toxin. Remember that the liver of a diabetic is not as strong as the liver of a healthy individual. Therefore, it takes longer than usual to detoxify the body of alcohol. During this time, there is absolutely no production of glucose. The reason diabetes care recommends that a diabetic does not consume alcohol is because lack of glucose over extended periods of time (several hours) will lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar which can lead to coma and even death.

If the family physician who is aware of your diabetic condition does not prohibit you from consuming moderate amounts of alcohol, diabetics care recommends that you consume alcohol along with a healthy snack such as a sandwich. It is also a good idea to check your blood sugar levels approx one hour after you consumed alcohol.

Check out also for  Type 2 Diabetes Information and  Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Tips for Diabetes Diet Program - 26/04/2012 10:26

If you’re looking for foods that you will include in your diabetic diet program, then look no more. All over the world, there are millions of people that are suffering from diabetes and majority of these people wanted to learn the “correct” process of preparing their own diabetes diet program, to have a better control over their blood sugar levels. In this article, we will teach you how to choose the right food that you can include in your diabetes diet guide.

Foods for Diabetes Program

Foods for DiabetesListed below are some of the food products that you should prioritize when making a diabetes diet program.

• Green-leafy Vegetables – We all know that green leafy vegetables are rich in various vitamins and minerals that are vital to the body. These nutrients are needed by diabetics to replenish those vitamins that are wasted as a part of the disease process. Almost all the vegetables are virtually “fat-free.” And this is one of the reasons why you should include it in your diabetes diet program.

• Fruits – Like vegetables, fruits are also rich in nutrients that are essential to the body. Fruits are also high in fiber, which is important in maintaining a healthy digestive system. The anti-oxidants that are present in the fruits can strengthen your immune system for you to resist various infection, and diseases.

• High-Protein Foods –Your diabetes diet program should be rich in protein. Products that are high in protein are: egg-whites, beans, plant seeds, white meat, tofu, soya and peanuts. The cells in our body are mainly made of protein; therefore, we need to nourish ourselves with protein to preserve its integrity and health. From time to time, the cell in our body becomes exhausted and damaged, and needs sufficient amount of protein in order to recover or heal itself.

• Complex Carbohydrates – Maybe you have heard several times about the importance of complex carbohydrates in managing the levels of your blood sugar. Consuming complex carbohydrates over “simple-carbohydrates” is one of the critical factors that you should consider when making diabetes diet program, because it provides you better control of your blood-sugar levels.

Diabetes diet programThe types of food that we have presented on this page were proven effective in managing type 1 and type 2-diabetes. However, we still encourage you to visit your trusted physician or dietician to check whether they suit your needs or not. To make you diabetes diet program even more successful, regular exercise is also advised, and should be done in moderation.

Typefreediabetes offers a full line of diabetic shoes, including bladder control pads; diabetic socks men’s, portion control plates, blood glucose tester, glucose monitoring devices, durable diabetes medical equipment, supplements for diabetes, automatic blood pressure monitor and many other home health care products and supplies. Typefreediabetes offers quality products at discounted prices on a wide selection of quality name brand equipment and supplies.

Check out also for Medical ID Bracelets and Mens diabetic shoes

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Diabetic Diet Guidelines - 04/05/2012 11:40

Diabetic Diet Guidelines

May 4, 2012 Author Ann-Marie Stephens

Diets for DiabeticsIn this article, we will show you the ideal diabetic diet guidelines that will assist you in determining the right composition of your diet. Diabetic should follow a strict diet so that they will prevent complications from developing in their body. After reading this article, you will soon have an idea on how to “mix and match,” the foods that you’re eating, which will help you in managing your disease.

Standard Diabetic Diet Guidelines

Listed below are the “standard” diets for diabetics, which were made by experts to guide diabetics on the type and quantity of foods that they should eat to fulfill their needs.

• Carbohydrates (45 – 65 %) – Included in the diabetic diet guidelines is the consumption of calories. Calories taken from carbohydrates are needed to fuel the daily activity of the person. However, in diabetics, excess calories could lead to “hyperglycemia” or the upsurge of sugar levels in the blood. This is the reason why carbohydrates should only fall in the given range to prevent complications.

• Protein (10 – 35 %) – Protein should as well be moderated in diabetics because any excess or deficiency can affect the condition of the patient. Protein is needed to repair and build new cells in the body. However, an excess amount could also be converted into sugar, which might lead to hyperglycemia.

• Fat (20 – 30 %) – As you can see fats have the least percentage if we based it on the diabetic diet guidelines. Because excess in body fats could result to or can increase “insulin resistance,” which is not beneficial because it may increase the occurrence of hyperglycemia, and may even worsen the other symptoms of diabetes.

As you can see the “numbers” on the diabetic diet guidelines presented above are not given in “fix” rates, rather they are provided in “range.” This will allow the healthcare professionals to play with the numbers to get the “ideal” range based on patient’s needs. For controlling diabetes one should always check blood glucose levels through Glucose test meters.

Additional Information:

Even though you have already acquired the proper knowledge on how to formulate your diet based on the diabetic diet guidelines presented above, we still encourage you to visit your physician or dietician, for you to check the accuracy of your diet plan. Share these diabetic diet guidelines to your love ones that are suffering from diabetes to serve as their guide in achieving a healthier and livelier body!

Check out for Symptoms of Diabetes in Women and Symptoms of Diabetes in Men


Diabetic Diet Guidelines

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Чланак: Portion control for better health with diabetes - 09/05/2012 09:41

In this article, we will talk about diabetes portion control its benefits, health advantages, and what it can do to help lower your blood sugar-level. Almost all diabetics find it hard to control their blood-sugar because they lack the proper knowledge needed to be successful in making a diet plan intended for diabetics. You will soon discover the “basic” things that are essential in diabetes portion control and diabetes plate method.

Medical ID BraceletsHealth Benefits of diabetic portion sizes

Listed below are only some of the health benefits that you can get if you follow a diabetes portion control in managing your health condition.
• Track Your Food Intake - The amount of food that an individual takes like, starches, cholesterol or even fats should be closely monitored to avoid diabetic complications such as “hyperglycemia” or an elevated level of blood-glucose.

• Healthier and Better diet - A diabetic individual may get adequate fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, when they consume a balanced and healthy diet.

• Encourages weight loss - Another advantage of using diabetes portion control is the opportunity to lose weight without the efforts, and struggles that are common in standard dieting. This is very important because “unnecessary” weight lowers your sensitivity to insulin; and could lead to hyperglycemia.

Foods to Choose to Include

• Low-salt Foods – Salt is a mineral that is helpful to the body, if used sparingly. However, too much consumption of salt can lead to several conditions, which can be harmful to the body. It may affect the balance and the “Ph” of bodily fluids if not maintained within the normal level.

Diabetes Portion Control• Unprocessed foods – Be sure to include “organic” or unprocessed foods in your diabetes portion control. Foods that are not refined are considered healthier compared to those foods that have undergone “extreme” processing. Experts are encouraging people to include these products in their daily food intake, especially for diabetics, because they bring greater health benefits.

• Low-fat Foods – We all know that fat is a “no-no” for diabetics. This is true, especially to “saturated” fats. Regular consumption of unhealthy fats could worsen your condition and may even cause permanent or irreversible damage to your body.

These are the basic principles that you should remember when using diabetic portions. Please be advised that we are still encouraging you to see a health-care professional for you to guarantee the effectiveness of the program. So what are you waiting for, go ahead and start your diabetes portion control today!

Typefreediabetes offers a full line of diabetes supplies, including Adult incontinence product; blood sugar meters, incontinence pads for men, portion control plates, glucose tablets, blood glucose monitors, durable diabetes medical equipment, nutritional supplements, Men’s Diabetic Shoes and many other home health care products and supplies. Typefreediabetes offers quality products at discounted prices on a wide selection of quality name brand equipment and supplies.

Check out for Medical ID Bracelets for diabetics and Diabetic meters